Sharing Our Thoughts on Foster Family Appreciation Month: The Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents
What Our Children Are Saying…
It hasn’t always been true or fair in what they did say,
about the reasons for why we had to be taken away.
For safety’s sake and “best interests” rules, even till this day,
the care decisions are such that it has to be this way.
But we’re resilient and thankful for how we’re cared for today,
because we’re loved and supported by our caregivers, in the very best way.
As we get older so does our curiosity grow; about blood parents, family,
and community, that some of us hardly know.
It’s the opportunity we’d like, to be part of decisions that will connect us so.
Some of our foster children have been heard to proudly say,
“I’m really lucky, I am, I have two moms and I love them both in a similar way”.
This appreciation month we thank our caregiver parents
for our good care and we continue to pray;
that they will keep the door open for us to have a say,
to connect with our blood parents and family in our own way.
Stephen Kozey,
Executive Director
Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents